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Determine the durability of components constructed from just about any material.

Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics

Fatigue is probably the most common mode of failure.  It's generally understood to be the gradual deterioration of a material when subjected to repeated loads.  Key factors are the mean stress and the variation of components.


While most data is developed for the fully reversing application, there are techniques for applying this data to alternate fatigue situations.  At times the stresses vary due to normal operation, and for other cases there is an excitation of a harmonic frequency, which acts to amplify the applied load.  We have extensive experience with analyzing applications with variable loads and defining the associated application criteria.

At SE, we utilize our Finite Element Analysis (FEA) expertise and knowledge-base built from years of consulting experience in modeling material behavior to perform detailed fatigue analysis, helping clients like you predict fatigue life and crack growth simulation.

Through fatigue analysis our expert FEA engineering consultants can determine the durability of components constructed from just about any material, including: metals, plastics, alloys, composites, rubber, glass, concrete, synthetic materials, and more. We do this under various combinations of conditions including static, dynamic, and thermal loading.

We’ll help you understand everything you need to know about your design with respect to its durability, fatigue, and fracture tolerances, including the cause of failures, margin of safety, recommended design changes for improvement, recommended inspection intervals, and more.

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